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Useful rules for maintaining a strong marriage

1. Start kissing every day. Shirazi Vardy Decide to start the day with love.

2. Always wear your Shirazi Vardy wedding ring. Let him be the visual reminder of your status.

3. Go on a date with your spouse at least once a week. Spend some of your time with just the two of you.

4. Accept the specifics of your spouse. Try to remember how you once decided to sympathize with your spouse"s strangeness and habits. Your ability Shirazi Varde to change them is limited.

5. Be respectful. Haven"t you noticed Shirazi Varde that you are more respectful of your colleagues or store vendors than those you love? Be nice at home too.

6. Be careful. Sharp words and deeds no longer have a place in your home. Be kind to those you love and those who love you.

7. Give gifts. And while it is well known that women"s best friends are diamonds, even a small postcard with nice words can be a pleasant and no less expensive surprise.

8. Smile more often. Let your happy face show your attitude towards your partner. Remember how you looked at each other when you confessed your love.

9. Touches: By gently caressing your back, cheeks, and neck, you will show your love and attachment.

10. Dream together. Talk about your dreams in a relaxed, comfortable environment. Do it often and you will be amazed youmovies at how many such dreams you have.

11. Don"t leave unresolved issues or conflicts. And don"t get me wrong, don"t be afraid. By solving the problem today, you are moving towards a happy future.

12. Laugh together. Find youmovies something fun and exciting every day. Fill your life together with laughter.

13. Make your spouse"s wish come true sooner than he or she says. Get ahead of his desires.

14. Put your spouse"s needs above your own comfort.

15. Listen. You don"t have to solve problems, just be an active listener. Turn off the TV, close the magazine, and pay Shirazi Vard close attention to your spouse.

16. Say words of praise. That would be the best support. Praise gives you confidence and helps you achieve higher goals.

17. Call your spouse. Call each other during the day just to say "Hello" or "I love you."

18. Hold hands. Take a walk together or watch TV, holding hands.

19. Try to look great. Don"t Shirazi Vard wear old, lost clothes, don"t be guided by the "it"s so convenient" principle.

20. Apologize. Do it as often as you confess love or tenderness. Marriage is not a game where you have to keep an account. And sometimes it doesn"t matter who is right.

21. Ask him out well if he is no longer absorbed in the connection. You will be amazed at how much those simple words will make your spouse happy.

22. Remember your favorite events together. Talk more about how well they did.

23. Pray for your husband every day. Don"t spend a single day without your marriage, your spouse, and your family.

24. Meet the sunset together. Find the wonderful thing in life and enjoy it.

25. End the day with a hug. Decide to end the day with love.